French possessive adjectives: classification and worksheets › blog › f...The 18 French possessive adjectives ; je, mon, ma ; tu, ton, ta ; il, elle, son, sa ; nous, notre, notre ; vous, votre, votre ...
French Possessives Adjectives Come in Many, Many Forms › french-possessive-adjectivesOct 19, 2019 · In French grammar, there are three forms of the possessive for each singular person (I, you, he/she/it). The gender, number, and first letter of the noun possessed determine which form to use. My mon (masculine singular), mon stylo (my pen) ma (feminine singular), ma montre (my watch) mes (plural), mes livres (my books)
Possessive Adjectives - French - Exercises French, possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their) agree with the noun they describe, NOT with the person it belongs to. It means that if you are talking about ‘his table’, in English, the emphasis is put on the fact that the possessor is masculine. In French, the possessor does not matter; because … Possessive Adjectives – French Read More »