French possessive adjectives: classification and worksheets › blog › f...The 18 French possessive adjectives ; je, mon, ma ; tu, ton, ta ; il, elle, son, sa ; nous, notre, notre ; vous, votre, votre ...
French possessive adjectives: classification and worksheets possessive adjectives take different forms depending on the noun they are describing. This means that if the noun is masculine and singular, the possessive adjective should be too. The masculine singular possessive adjectives are: mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur. The feminine singular possessive adjectives are: ma, ta, sa, notre, votre ...
Possessive Adjectives - CliffsNotes › possessive-adjectivesPossessive Adjectives. Like all French adjectives, possessive adjectives, listed in Table 1, agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify (the person or item that is possessed) and not with the subject (the person possessing them). Possessive adjectives agree with and are repeated before each noun. J'aime mon père, ma mère, et mes ...