About the Journal - CSIRO PUBLISHING
https://www.publish.csiro.au/cp/AbouttheJournalCSIRO PUBLISHING About the Journal Crop and Pasture Science (formerly known as Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) is an international journal publishing outcomes of strategic research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. The primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds and pastures.
CSIRO PUBLISHING | Crop and Pasture Science
www.publish.csiro.au › cpGlobal change greatly challenge the maize (Zea mays L.) systems, and crop modelling could provide comprehensive assessment on the impacts of climate change.We investigated the effects of projected future climate on maize yield, climate risks and growth stage transitions in the East-Central Texas (ECT), indicating that yield could maintain historical level in most cases with shorten seasons and ...
Scatolo - Wikipedia
it.wikipedia.org › wiki › ScatoloLo scatolo (leggi: scatòlo) è una sostanza chimica corrispondente al β-metilindolo.Si presenta come un solido bianco cristallino dall'odore fecale. Si forma nella marcescenza, nella lisi batterica, per fusione alcalina delle proteine o dal triptofano nel tratto intestinale dei mammiferi ed è presente negli escrementi umani, conferendo loro l'odore estremamente nauseante.