Pierre Billotte - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_BillotteBillotte is known for his extraordinary actions as a French Tank Commander on 16 May 1940 during the battle at the French village of Stonne. Billotte served in the 1st Compagnie of the 41st Tank Battalion, equipped with the Char B1 heavy tank. Then-Captain Billotte, commanding a Char B1 Bis tank nicknamed "Eure", was instrumental in retaking the village of Stonne, defended by elements of the German 8th Panzer Regiment. The village had already been the scene of fierc…
B1 전차 - 나무위키
https://namu.wiki/w/B1 전차27.09.2021 · 스톤느의 전설 B1 Bis "EURE" 1940년 5월16일 스톤느 (Stonne) 전투에서 외르 (Eure)라는 이름의 B1 bis 한 대가 37mm Pak 36 대전차포 두 문과 4호 전차 2대,3호전차 11대의 독일군 여단 병력 전체를 한 번에 씹어먹고 풍비박산내버린 기록이 있다. 이 전차를 조종하던 이들은 제3흉갑기병사단 (3 e DCr) 소속 피에르 가스통 비요트 (Pierre Gaston Billotte) 대위와 그의 …
337 EURE - Chars Français
https://www.chars-francais.net/.../char-b/224-337-eureEURE n° 337. 41. BCC 2. compagnie. Perçu par le 41e BCC 2e compagnie à Gien le 8 décembre 1939. Versé à la 1ère compagnie le 10 mai 1940. Simultanément, la 1ère compagnie déborda par le nord-ouest, et le capitaine Billotte, gêné par la pente abrupte qui dominait la route de STONNE à ARTAISE, se rabattit sur la droite.
Char B1 - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Char_B1The original Char B1 had frontal and side armour up to 40 mm thick. The vehicle had a fully traversing APX1 turret with a 47 mm L/27.6 SA 34 gun. This had a poor anti-tank capability: the thirty Armour Piercing High Explosive(APHE) rounds among the fifty the tank carried had a maximum penetration of about 25 mm. In addition, it was armed with a 75 mm ABS 1929 SA 35 gun mounted in …