Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation › sites › wwwBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION . Ionizing radiation in very high levels is known to increase the incidence of cancer, birth anomalies, erythema, and other problems. In low levels, these effects are either very, very small compared to natural incidences or non-existent depending on the biological model used for estimating the potential risk.
Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Biological Molecules ... › pmc › articlesJul 10, 2014 · Significance: The detrimental effects of ionizing radiation (IR) involve a highly orchestrated series of events that are amplified by endogenous signaling and culminating in oxidative damage to DNA, lipids, proteins, and many metabolites. Despite the global impact of IR, the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue damage reveal that many biomolecules are chemoselectively modified by IR.
Biological Effects Of Ionising Radiation › media › Media_710921_smxxBiological Effects of Ionising Radiation Radiation damage occurs via one of two ways – Direct Damage occurs when radiation damages the DNA directly, causing ionization of the atoms in the DNA molecule. Ionisation of molecule invariably leads to its disruption. Indirect Damage occurs when radiation interacts with non-critical target