PowerPoint Presentation
https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/EPR-B…biological effects of radiation ionizing radiations have many beneficial applications, but they also may have detrimental consequences for human health and for environment since x-rays were discovered in 1895, it was quickly realized that they may be harmful to protect people and the environment it is essential to understand how …
Louisiana State University Radiation Safety Office
medicine.okstate.edu › 4-biological-effectIncident Particle or Photon Ionization of Water Molecule Dissociation of Water Molecule Free Radicals Produced Chemical Changes Possible Biological Effects Module #4 Indirect Action H2O H2O+ + e- H2O+ H+ + OH H2O + e - H2O- H2O- H + OH- Radiation ionizes a water molecule The positive ion dissociates The electron attaches to a neutral water molecule The negative ion then dissociates Module #4 Indirect Action (cont.) H + H H2 OH + OH H2O2 H + O2 HO2 HO2 + H H2O2 The H ...
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
www.wright.edu › sites › wwwBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION . Ionizing radiation in very high levels is known to increase the incidence of cancer, birth anomalies, erythema, and other problems. In low levels, these effects are either very, very small compared to natural incidences or non-existent depending on the biological model used for estimating the potential risk.
Biological Effects of Radiation - AAPM
www.aapm.org › Wed01BioEffectsDauerHealth Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR VII. NAS, 2006. UNSCEAR. Effects of ionizing radiation, 2006. ICRP-103, 2007 Recommendations and Associated Annex on Biology and Epidemiology. Dauer LT, et al. Evaluation of updated research on the health effects and risks associated with low dose ionizing radiation.