Radiation - SlideShare
www.slideshare.net › sudhirben › radiation-42079901Nov 27, 2014 · 19. IONIZING RADIATION Definition “ It is a type of radiation that is able to disrupt atoms and molecules on which they pass through, giving rise to ions and free radicals”. Sources – x-rays, radioactive material produce alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, cosmic rays from the sun and space. 20.
Radiation - SlideShare
https://www.slideshare.net/sudhirben/radiation-4207990127.11.2014 · RADIATION Ionizing Radiation Higher energy electromagnetic waves (gamma) or heavy particles (beta and alpha). High enough energy to pull electron from orbit. Non-ionizing Radiation Lower energy electromagnetic waves. Not enough energy to pull electron from orbit, but can excite the electron. 14.
Ionising radiation - SlideShare
www.slideshare.net › mikeslater › ionising-radiationA unit of ionising radiation absorbed dose equivalent obtained as a product of the absorbed dose measure in grays and a dimensionless factor, stipulated by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), and indicating the biological effectiveness of the radiation.Modifying factor depends on quality of radiation and part of body ...