Non-Ionizing Radiation - Overview | Occupational Safety and ... › non-ionizing-radiationNon-ionizing radiation includes the spectrum of ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared (IR), microwave (MW), radio frequency (RF), and extremely low frequency (ELF). Lasers commonly operate in the UV, visible, and IR frequencies. Non-ionizing radiation is found in a wide range of occupational settings and can pose a considerable health risk to potentially exposed workers if not properly controlled.
Radiation Studies - CDC: Non-Ionizing Radiation › nceh › radiationDec 07, 2015 · Exposure to intense, direct amounts of non-ionizing radiation may result in damage to tissue due to heat. This is not common and mainly of concern in the workplace for those who work on large sources of non-ionizing radiation devices and instruments. For more information on exposure to non-ionizing radiation in the workplace, click here
Health risks of exposure to non-ionizing radiation--myths or ... › 17017346Introduction: The non-ionizing radiation (NIR) contains large range of wavelengths and frequencies from vacuum ultraviolet (UV) radiation to static electric and magnetic fields. Biological effects of electromagnetic (EM) radiation depend greatly on wavelength and other physical parameters. Optical radiation: The Sun is the most significant source of environmental UV exposure, so that outdoor workers are at risk of chronic over-exposure.