BMI 18 – Body mass index of 18 18 - BMI 16 to 18.4 is Underweight - Body mass index of 18. A BMI of 18 can indicate that your weight is low. Low body mass can decrease your body's immune system, which could lead to illness such as malnutrition, bone loss, and other conditions.
BMI 18 – Body mass index of 18 › 18A BMI of 18 can indicate that your weight is low. Low body mass can decrease your body's immune system, which could lead to illness such as malnutrition, bone loss, and other conditions. The lower your BMI the greater these risks become. Calculate your BMI now » Underweight With a BMI of 18, your body weight is considered too low to be healthy.
BMI 18.8 – Body mass index of 18.8 › 18BMI 18.5 to 24.9 is Normal weight Your body weight compared to your height is normal. Your “Body Mass Index” is normal which means you have an ideal body weight and lowest risk for illnesses. However, it may be a good idea to check your waist circumference and maintain it within the recommended limits. Calculate your BMI now » Normal weight
BMI-kalkulator - Melk og kaloriberegner. Her kan du regne ut din BMI. Ved hjelp av vår unike kaloriberegner kan du også finne ut hvor mange kalorier du trenger i løpet av en dag. Du får skreddersydde menyer som er tilpasset deg og dine behov. Denne kalkulatoren er …
BMI-kalkulator - › bmiHva er BMI? ; Under 18,5, Undervekt ; 18,5 - 24,9, Normalvekt ; 25,0 - 29,9, Overvekt ; Over 30,0, Helseskadelig overvekt/fedme ...