Boeing's 7-Series Aircraft - The Southwest Airlines Community · The airccraft began arriving at Boeing Field with the 707 at 7:07 p.m., and on hand were a 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. Click here for a photo at, and here is a report from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer 's blog and a feature story from the paper. In addition, here is a link to an additional ground view from
Boeing Commercial Airplanes - Wikipedia all models sold beginning with the Boeing 707 in 1957, except the Boeing 720, Boeing's naming system for commercial airliners has taken the form of 7X7 (X representing a number). All model designations from 707 through 787 have been assigned, leaving 797 as the only 7X7 model name not assigned to a product. For models 707 to 777, the full model number consists of an airplane's model nu…