Hub Courses | BU Hub › hub › hub-coursesListing of Hub Courses. Below you will find a list of all of the courses that carry Hub units. To explore courses further, please see the Bulletin.You can also use the BU Course Search to search the entire database of Boston University courses by keywords, and you can filter your search by semester, by college, and/or by Hub area(s).
Transfer of Credits at Boston University | Admissions › admissions › applyThe BU Hub Transfer Student Curriculum has been designed specifically for transfer students, to recognize the work you have already done while still providing you with the educational benefits of the Hub program. Final determination of transfer credit acceptance is ultimately made by the respective Department and Division Evaluators and through ...
BU Hub » Academics | Boston University › academics › hubFirst-year entering students will complete 26 Hub units, while transfer students will complete 10 Hub units. Please note: The BU Hub Transfer Student curriculum has been designed to acknowledge general education coursework completed at a student’s previous institution while still ensuring that transfer students develop the ways of thinking ...
Hub Requirements for Transfer Students | BU Hub › hub › advising-and-the-hubTransfer students take BU courses that fulfill units in each of the Hub areas below and must earn all 10 Hub units in order to graduate. A course can carry more than one Hub unit, and most students will fulfill Hub requirements in 4–5 courses. Hub courses can also count toward major and minor requirements, and students can elect to fulfill up ...
BU Hub » Academics | Boston University note: The BU Hub Transfer Student curriculum has been designed to acknowledge general education coursework completed at a student’s previous institution while still ensuring that transfer students develop the ways of thinking and skills required of all BU undergraduates. Requirements for Students Who Enter BU as First-Year Students