Feb 11, 2020 · By adding the suffix -one onto the end of cena (feminine, plural: cene), you get the word cenone meaning big supper. Cenare is the verb meaning to have supper or to dine whereas dinnertime translates as ora di cena. Stasera torno a casa per cenare con la famiglia. Tonight I’m going home to have dinner with the family.
Translation of "cena" in English dinner supper food diner potluck meal dining dine evening party eating banquet Ascoltami, andiamo a cena un po' prima. Listen, let's go to an early dinner, just the two of us. Non voglio sentirti piagnucolare per tutta la cena. Because I won't listen to you whine all through my dinner.
In other languages. cena ... Dinner is the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening. She invited us to her house for dinner. ... Some people refer to the main ...
È a cena con il governatore. Be proud, it was for dinner with the governor. È stata una bella cena tranquilla. It's been a nice, quiet dinner. Li porto a cena fuori tra cinque minuti. Lila, I just told you, I'm taking them out to dinner in five minutes. Domani sera ho invitato mia nipote Marianne a cena.
cena ; dinner · the main meal of the day eaten usually in the evening ; dinner · a formal party in the evening, when such a meal is eaten ; supper · a ...
What does "a cena" mean in Italian? In Italian, "a cena" means: at dinner Listen to "a cena": (If you have an HTML5 enabled browser, you can listen to the native audio below) This is a phrase that is used in the GamesForLanguage Italian Language Game in the following scenes: