cena-espectáculo sf ( cenas-espectáculo pl ) dinner show, dinner with a floor show. cena-homenaje sf ( cenas-homenaje pl ) formal dinner, celebratory dinner. ofrecer una cena-homenaje a algn to hold a dinner for sb. Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary. See also:
In other languages. cena ... Dinner is the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening. She invited us to her house for dinner. ... Some people refer to the main ...
How to say cena In English - Translation of cena to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation ...
v. go to dinner ; have dinner ; get dinner. Additional comments: NisaA : per andare all'universita. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds. Or Sign up / login to Reverso account. 'cena' found in translations in English-Italian dictionary.
cena sf (a última hora) supper , (como comida principal) dinner nos invitó a una cena en el restaurante he invited us to dinner at a restaurant la Última Cena the Last Supper ♦ Cena de Baltasar Belshazzar's Feast ♦ cena de gala dinner function, formal dinner, (Pol) state banquet ♦ cena de negocios business dinner ♦ cena de trabajo working dinner
Translations · cena, la ~ (f). dinner, the ~ Noun. supper, the ~ Noun. evening meal, the ~ Noun. meal, the ~ Noun · cena, la ~ (f) (banquete). supper, the ~ Noun.
cena ; dinner · the main meal of the day eaten usually in the evening ; dinner · a formal party in the evening, when such a meal is eaten ; supper · a meal taken at ...
cena sf dinner , (leggera) supper invitare qn a cena to invite sb to dinner mi hanno invitato a cena they've invited me to dinner vieni a cena da noi? would you like to come and have dinner with …
Translation of "cena" in English dinner supper food diner potluck meal dining dine evening party eating banquet Ascoltami, andiamo a cena un po' prima. Listen, let's go to an early dinner, just the two of us. Non voglio sentirti piagnucolare per tutta la cena. Because I won't listen to you whine all through my dinner.
In Ancient Roman culture, cena was the main meal of the day. In earlier times, it was held midday, but later began to be held in evenings. It was a focal point ...
A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house). Noun. 1. (general) a. dinner, evening meal. dar una cena to give a dinner party. cena de despedida farewell dinner. 2. (religion) a. la última cena the Last Supper.
Translation of "cena" in English dinner supper food diner potluck meal dining dine evening party eating banquet Ascoltami, andiamo a cena un po' prima. Listen, let's go to an early dinner, just the two of us. Non voglio sentirti piagnucolare per tutta la cena. Because I won't listen to you whine all through my dinner.