Chebyshev’s Inequality › ~rhzhao › 10BSpring19Give a bound using Chebyshev’s for P( 4 X 0). For what acan we say that P(X a) 0:99? Solution: Since the mean is 2 and the standard deviation is 1, using Chebyshev’s inequality, we have that P( 4 X 0) = P( 2˙ X + 2˙) 1 1 22 = 3 4. So an estimate would be 3 4. The real answer is ˇ0:95.
Chebyshev's inequality - Wikipedia's_inequalitySaw et al extended Chebyshev's inequality to cases where the population mean and variance are not known and may not exist, but the sample mean and sample standard deviation from N samples are to be employed to bound the expected value of a new drawing from the same distribution. The following simpler version of this inequality is given by Kabán. where X is a random variable which we have sampled N times, m is the sample mean, k is a con…