This command will display the name of all the available packages, the latest version, and the repositories to which they belong Yum Check Installed Packages Yum is incredibly easy to use; like most package managers, it allows you to pass intuitive options. For example, to show the list of installed packages, we can use the command:
If you're just checking for one package in your script, you may just be better off testing yum list installed directly, but (IMHO) the function makes it ...
17.06.2019 · Using Yum to Check Installed Packages Using rpm is not the only way to check for installed packages on your system. Now we will discuss how to use “yum” to accomplish the same task. Try the following command: yum list installed You will see that the list yum provides is formatted slightly differently. Let’s look at an entry in depth.
Yum · 8.1. Checking For and Updating Packages ... Upgrading the System Off-line with ISO and Yum ... Check if Bonding Kernel Module is Installed ·
This post looks at how to list the installed packages with YUM from the command ... If you need to see all packages, installed and available, you can use:.
this command returns some human-readable output, but more importantly returns an exit status code; 0 indicates the package is installed, 1 indicates the package is not installed (does not check whether the package is valid, so yum list installed herpderp-beepbopboop will return a "1" just as yum list installed traceroute will if you don't have …
Yum Search Specific Package ... An example use case of the yum list command is checking if you have a specific package installed. For example, let us see if awk ...
Use Python code to check if a package is installed in python using yum: def is_installed (package_name): return "not installed" in commands.getstatusoutput ("rpm -q " + package_name) [1] Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Sep 1 …
List installed packages with YUM. This post looks at how to list the installed packages with YUM from the command line for YUM based Linux distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora. It’s very simple: yum list installed
Solution 1: Have you tried this? $ yum list installed bind Solution 2: There's a much easier way of issuing this query: rpm -qa | grep bind or rpm -q bind.