25.07.2019 · Do you know if there is any web article that can guide me on how to setup replica or shard in ClickHouse? I am not knowledge on ZooKeeper as well, don't know how to get started; most of the article that I read online is about how it works, but I can't find how to setup it.
ClickHouse also supports to store replicas meta information in the auxiliary ZooKeeper cluster by providing ZooKeeper cluster name and path as engine arguments.
Sharding is a horizontal cluster scaling strategy that puts parts of one ClickHouse database on different shards. A shard consists of one or more replica ...
Sharding is a horizontal cluster scaling strategy that puts parts of one ClickHouse database on different shards. A shard consists of one or more replica hosts. A write or read request for the shard can be sent to any of its replicas because there is no dedicated master. When data is inserted, it is taken from the replica on which the INSERT request was executed and copied to …
<shard>02</shard> <replica>clickhouse2</replica> </macros>. I have moreover a Distributed table on the server 1 (clickhouse), that chooses the server where ...