Correlation Coefficient [ChartSchool] - › dokuThe Correlation Coefficient is available in SharpCharts under “indicators.” First, create a chart with the base security entered in the symbol box at the top of the chart (INTC). Second, select Correlation as an indicator in the drop-down menu. Third, enter the symbol for the other security and the timeframe in the parameters box ($SPX,10).
1. Correlation Coefficient (CC) › Radar_N0C_InterpretInstructor Notes: The correlation coefficient is a measure of how similarly the horizon- tally and vertically polarized pulses are behaving within a pulse volume. Its values can range from 0.2 to 1.05 and are unitless. In AWIP S and the RPG, this va riable is referred to as CC, but in research papers you will see it referred to as rhoHV.
User's guide to correlation coefficients - PMC › pmc › articlesAug 07, 2018 · correlation is defined as a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected by chance alone by the merriam-webster dictionary. 2 a classic example would be the apparent and high correlation between the systolic (sbp) and …