The Cross-Entropy Method for Continuous Multi-Extremal ... › article › 10Oct 23, 2006 · In recent years, the cross-entropy method has been successfully applied to a wide range of discrete optimization tasks. In this paper we consider the cross-entropy method in the context of continuous optimization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the cross-entropy method for solving difficult continuous multi-extremal optimization problems, including those with non-linear constraints.
The Cross-Entropy Method for Optimization › DirkKroese › psbased optimization heuristics. In this chapter we show how the cross-entropy method can be applied to a diverse range of combinatorial, continuous, and noisy optimization problems. 1 Introduction The cross-entropy (CE) method was proposed by Rubinstein (1997) as an adap-tive importance sampling procedure for the estimation of rare-event probabili-
Cross-entropy method - Wikipedia same CE algorithm can be used for optimization, rather than estimation. Suppose the problem is to maximize some function , for example, . To apply CE, one considers first the associated stochastic problem of estimating for a given level , and parametric family , for example the 1-dimensional Gaussian distribution, parameterized by its mean and variance (so here). Hence, for a given , the goal is to find so that is minimized. This is done by solving the sample version (stochasti…
The Cross-Entropy Method for Combinatorial and Continuous ... › article › 10We present a new and fast method, called the cross-entropy method, for finding the optimal solution of combinatorial and continuous nonconvex optimization problems with convex bounded domains. To find the optimal solution we solve a sequence of simple auxiliary smooth optimization problems based on Kullback-Leibler cross-entropy, importance sampling, Markov chain and Boltzmann distribution. We ...
Cross entropy - Wikipedia cross-entropy of the distribution relative to a distribution over a given set is defined as follows: ,where is the expected value operator with respect to the distribution . The definition may be formulated using the Kullback–Leibler divergence , divergence of from (also known as the relative entropy of with respect to ).