A Week With the DASH Eating Plan
www.nhlbi.nih.gov › sites › defaultThe total daily servings by DASH food group are listed at the top. Next to each food item on the daily menu, you can check the exact serving amount for that item. These menus give examples of heart healthy meals. How can you create your own and make the DASH eating plan part of your daily life? Start by learning how your current
DASH Eating Plan | NHLBI, NIH
www.nhlbi.nih.gov › health-topics › dash-eating-planJan 04, 2021 · Weekly DASH menus: Provides sample daily DASH eating plan menus at 1,500 mg or 2,300 mg daily sodium levels. These menus are based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet, and suggested serving sizes may be adjusted if other daily calorie targets are desired. Heart-healthy recipes: Provide additional ideas for menu planning. Tips for Lifelong Success