Recommended setting is 40 MHz for most people, this allows your 2.4GHz 802.11n draft devices to connect at their max of 300 Mbps when signal is sufficient as ...
26.07.2009 · Wireless Network mode, this setting determines what wireless protocols will be offered to the wireless clients that try to connect to the router. Depending on the wireless network mode your radio is configured for DD-WRT will have additional channel options for you to configure if you choose.
24.12.2015 · Under Block WAN Requests and Impede WAN/DoS Bruteforce, check all of the options. Recommended DD-WRT settings: The Administration tab The scheduled reboot is among the most unheralded of all of the recommended DD-WRT settings. Navigate to the Keep Alive tab and enable the option labeled “Schedule Reboot.”
Oct 26, 2015 · DD-WRT is an open source firmware for routers, developed and designed to give many of those 150n devices more software features and stability. In the past, we have already covered how to install...
CTS Protection mode and DD-wrt: In its default configuration dd-wrt uses it as a to provide a way of ensuring coexistence between the legacy and the new wifi devices.
The AP running dd-wrt has the CTS Protection mode is set to Auto by default and then you could adjust the RTS threshold value to something lower then 2346 (Which is the default fragmentation threshold value on dd-wrt) on the AP.
05.05.2009 · 1.) The AP running dd-wrt has the CTS Protection mode is set to Auto by default and then you could adjust the RTS threshold value to something lower then 2346(Which is the default fragmentation threshold value on dd-wrt) on the AP. 2.) All clients connected to the dd-wrt AP are configured for CTS\RTS mode as apposed to disabled or CTS-Self mode.
Dec 24, 2015 · Under Block WAN Requests and Impede WAN/DoS Bruteforce, check all of the options. Recommended DD-WRT settings: The Administration tab The scheduled reboot is among the most unheralded of all of the recommended DD-WRT settings. Navigate to the Keep Alive tab and enable the option labeled “Schedule Reboot.”
DD-WRT allows the use of all channels; this doesn't mean your client wireless adapter can support channels outside of its licensed region. How it works in DD-WRT: To configure your radio channels in the WebGUI you browse to the "Basic Settings" under the "Wireless" page on your DD-WRT router. If you have dual band router (ie.
This page contains more robust explanations of Advanced Wireless Settings than the built in help provides. It was originally authored by Stephen Suley in this thread. Note, ... It will return a list of capabilities. 3.If afterburner is listed you may enable Afterburner on the Advanced Settings tab under Wireless in DD-WRT.
26.10.2015 · DD-WRT is an open source firmware for routers, developed and designed to give many of those 150n devices more software features and stability. In the past, we have already covered how to install...
Apr 27, 2009 · 1.) The AP running dd-wrt has the CTS Protection mode is set to Auto by default and then you could adjust the RTS threshold value to something lower then 2346(Which is the default fragmentation threshold value on dd-wrt) on the AP. 2.) All clients connected to the dd-wrt AP are configured for CTS\RTS mode as apposed to disabled or CTS-Self mode.
Check if Your Router Supports Afterburner 1.Connect to your router using telnet or ssh. Telnet/SSH and the Command Line 2.Type wl cap and press enter. It will return a list of capabilities. 3.If afterburner is listed you may enable Afterburner on the Advanced Settings tab under Wireless in DD-WRT. TWEAK