How to enable SSH server in DD-WRT router - David Yin's Blog › 2014 › 03Mar 21, 2014 · The router is Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH2, flashed with DD-WRT v24-sp2 build 21676. The SSH server settings is under Tab Services, Services. The section is called Secure Shell. Select Enable for SSHd, keep the others as is. Then click Save and Apply Settings. After that, you can use Putty to ssh to router. Let us have a look at my router.
Telnet/SSH and the command line - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexThe DD-WRT Command Line. aka the DD-WRT Linux shell. This is an 'ash' shell. Ash is a version of sh, literally 'A SHell' (A command Interpreter) Basic Syntax. The Linux Command Shell (Ash) is not the same as the Windows/DOS command prompt. / (and not \) is used to separate directories in a path, just like the interweb.