DD-WRT and SSH Tunneling | Acidx's Blog
acidx.net › wordpress › 2013Jul 13, 2013 · 1. Enabling SSH on DD-WRT. This is fairly easy. Just go to the Services tab and set the corresponding options: By enabling SSHd the built-in SSH server (dropbear) will be activated. SSH TCP Forwarding is not needed because tunneling will work without it. Password Login can be used to allow password-authenticated SSH connections.
Telnet/SSH and the command line - DD-WRT Wiki
wiki.dd-wrt.com › wiki › indexDD-WRT v24 RC7+ SSHd and SSH TCP Forwarding must be enabled under Services -> Secure Shell Remote SSH Management should be enabled as well, under Administration -> Management Setup. Setting up a remote port forward is relatively straightforward when using the PuTTY utility under Windows. See Connections -> SSH -> Tunnels.
Port Forwarding Troubleshooting - DD-WRT Wiki
wiki.dd-wrt.com › wiki › indexTo test a single TCP and UDP port number with Nmap, use the following options: nmap -sT -sU -p [port] [IP Address] Go to the Security -> Firewall page in the GUI. Uncheck Filter WAN NAT Redirection (it is by default) which means loopback will be allowed. If you disabled the SPI firewall then you will have to enable it temporarily to be able to ...
Iptables command - DD-WRT Wiki
wiki.dd-wrt.com › wiki › indexiptables -I FORWARD 1 -p tcp -d dd-wrt.com --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD 2 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP Which would accept all http traffic to dd-wrt.com, while blocking outgoing http traffic to anywhere else. If you wish to allow multiple sites, insert additional rules before the DROP (making sure to order and number them correctly).