Lecture 9 : Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions ...
www3.nd.edu › ~apilking › Math10550Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 1. From our trigonometric identities, we can show that d dx sinx= cosx: d dx sinx= lim h!0 sin(x+ h) sin(x) h = lim h!0 sin(x)cos(h) + cos(x)sin(h) sin(x) h = lim h!0 sin(x)[cos(h) 1] + cos(x)sin(h) h = lim h!0 sin(x) [cos(h) 1] h + lim h!0 cos(x) sin(h) h = sin(x) lim h!0 [cos(h) 1] h + cos(x) lim h!0 sin(h) h = cos(x): 2. We can also show that
Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
www.ocf.berkeley.edu › ~reinholz › edKeeping these identities in mind, we will look at the derivatives of the trigonometric functions. We have already seen that the derivative of the sine function is the cosine function. Through a very similar we can find that the derivative of the cosine function is the negative sine function. Thus, d dx sin(x) = cos(x) and d dx cos(x) = −sin(x)
Calculus I - Derivatives of Trig Functions
tutorial.math.lamar.edu › classes › calcIJun 11, 2018 · We’ll start this process off by taking a look at the derivatives of the six trig functions. Two of the derivatives will be derived. The remaining four are left to you and will follow similar proofs for the two given here. Before we actually get into the derivatives of the trig functions we need to give a couple of limits that will show up in the derivation of two of the derivatives. Fact