4.3 Evaluation To we evaluate the performance of KD loss we compare the distilled model with models trained on baseline Cross Entropy (CE) loss, Dice loss ...
[docs]class DiceCELoss(_Loss): """ Compute both Dice loss and Cross Entropy Loss, and return the weighted sum of these two losses. The details of Dice loss is ...
27.07.2019 · Dice 定义为2倍交集/和, 范围在[0,1]: Dice Loss 取反或者用1-,定义为: 2、Dice Loss 与 BCE 的结合各自的作用。 Dice Loss 与交叉熵经常搭配使用,具有以下优点: 1) Dice Loss 相当于从全局上进行考察,B CE 是从微观上逐像素进行拉近,角度互补。
12.08.2019 · CrossEntropy could take values bigger than 1. I am actually trying with Loss = CE - log (dice_score) where dice_score is dice coefficient (opposed as the dice_loss where basically dice_loss = 1 - dice_score. I will wait for the results but some hints or help would be really helpful. Megh_Bhalerao (Megh Bhalerao) August 25, 2019, 3:08pm #3.
It was found that when using Dice loss, SS loss or CE+Dice loss for the curriculum learning necessitates only a single stage of curriculum learning (no ...
Jan 04, 2018 · I would recommend you to use Dice loss when faced with class imbalanced datasets, which is common in the medicine domain, for example. Also, Dice loss was introduced in the paper "V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation" and in that work the authors state that Dice loss worked better than mutinomial logistic loss with sample re-weighting
LiverVesselSegmentationNetwork / loss_dice_and_ce.py / Jump to Code definitions softmax_helper Function sum_tensor Function get_tp_fp_fn Function CrossentropyND Class forward Function SoftDiceLoss Class __init__ Function forward Function DC_and_CE_loss Class __init__ Function forward Function
Nov 19, 2018 · My dice and ce decrease, but then suddenly dice increases and CE jumps up a bit, this keeps happening to dice. I have been trying all day to fix this but can’t get my code to run. I am running on only 10 data points to overfit my data but it just is not happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Plots of dice(top) and CE: Loss curve
What is the intuition behind using Dice loss instead of Cross-Entroy loss for Image/Instance segmentation problems? Since we are dealing with individual pixels, I can understand why one would use CE loss. But Dice loss is not clicking.
Aug 12, 2019 · CrossEntropy could take values bigger than 1. I am actually trying with Loss = CE - log (dice_score) where dice_score is dice coefficient (opposed as the dice_loss where basically dice_loss = 1 - dice_score. I will wait for the results but some hints or help would be really helpful. Megh_Bhalerao (Megh Bhalerao) August 25, 2019, 3:08pm #3.