Generalised Dice overlap as a deep learning loss function ... · In order to mitigate this issue, strategies such as the weighted cross-entropy function, the sensitivity function or the Dice loss function, have been proposed. In this work, we investigate the behavior of these loss functions and their sensitivity to learning rate tuning in the presence of different rates of label imbalance across 2D and 3D segmentation tasks.
医学影像分割---Dice Loss - 知乎
Dice Loss 最先是在VNet 这篇文章中被提出,后来被广泛的应用在了医学影像分割之中。 1、Dice系数与Dice Loss. Dice系数是一种集合相似度度量函数,通常用于计算两个样本的相似度,取值范围在[0,1]: