DICE Framework - apppm
apppm.man.dtu.dk/index.php/DICE_FrameworkCalculating the score. By asking executives and managers about the four elements of the DICE Framework (Table 1.), companies can determine if a project or change will be successful .Each element has to be graded numerically from a scale from 1 to 4 where fractions can be used.
Sørensen–Dice coefficient - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sørensen–Dice_coefficientThe Sørensen–Dice coefficient is useful for ecological community data (e.g. Looman & Campbell, 1960 ). Justification for its use is primarily empirical rather than theoretical (although it can be justified theoretically as the intersection of two fuzzy sets ). As compared to Euclidean distance, the Sørensen distance retains sensitivity in more heterogeneous data sets and gives less weight to outliers. Recently the Dice score (and its variations, e.g. logDice taking a logarithm of it) has beco…
DICE framework - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DICE_frameworkA DICE score is a leading indicator of the likely success of a project based on objective measures. The DICE framework allows for consistency in evaluating various projects (even though the inputs are subjective) and the framework can be used to track projects, manage portfolios of projects, and force the right conversations.
DICE framework - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DICE_frameworkThe DICE framework is a tool originally developed by Perry Keenan, Kathleen Conlon, and Alan Jackson (all current or former Partners at The Boston Consulting Group ). It was originally published in the Harvard Business Review(HBR) article The Hard Side of Change in 2005 and has been republished in HBR's "Lead Change--Successfully", HBR's OnPoint Magazine and recognized in HBR's "10 Must Reads on Change Management" publication. The DICE framework was awarded a …
Dice Calculator
https://dice.clockworkmod.comDice! This is a dice calculator for tabletop games. It can do more than simple d20 rolls, like calculating average damage against a target's AC given a weapon. Check out the examples. Enter Expression. Builder Advanced. Add. iterate value "n" Analyze Roll.