Sørensen–Dice coefficient - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sørensen–Dice_coefficientThe Sørensen–Dice coefficient is useful for ecological community data (e.g. Looman & Campbell, 1960 ). Justification for its use is primarily empirical rather than theoretical (although it can be justified theoretically as the intersection of two fuzzy sets ). As compared to Euclidean distance, the Sørensen distance retains sensitivity in more heterogeneous data sets and gives less weight to outliers. Recently the Dice score (and its variations, e.g. logDice taking a logarithm of it) has b…
F1 Score = Dice Coefficient - Chen Riang's Blog
chenriang.me › f1-equal-dice-coefficientMay 05, 2020 · F1 scores are biased to the lowest value of each precision and recall. So, when F1 score is increased, both the precision and recall will get increased and balanced. Dice Coefficient. Dice Coefficient, also known as Sørensen–Dice coefficient or Sørensen–Dice index. It is a statistic matrix that’s used to measure the similarity of two samples.