Dietlibc - Free Software Directory › wiki › DietlibcDietlibc. The diet libc is a C library that is optimized for small size. It can be used to create small statically linked binaries for Linux on alpha, arm, ia64, mips, mipsel, ppc, parisc, s390, sparc and x86. This package is used to compile programs with the diet libc. The diet libc also supports dynamic linking, but this has been temporarily ...
dietlibc — Википедия — это стандартная библиотека языка Си предназначенная для встраиваемых систем. Выпущена под лицензией GPL v2. Она создана Felix von Leitner с целью создания максимально лёгких программ. dietlibc сделана с нуля и поэтому реализует только важные и широко используемые функции. Поддерживает платформы ARM, MIPS, x86, PowerPC, Sparc, Alpha, s390. В первую очередь …
dietlibc - Wikipedia is a C standard library released under the GNU General Public License Version 2, and proprietary licenses are also available. It was developed with the help of about 100 volunteers by Felix von Leitner with the goal to compile and link programs to the smallest possible size. dietlibc
dietlibc › dietlibcThis is my first program using libdjb and it was the testing ground for dietlibc. my embedded utils project , a collection of popular class utilities like mkdir and echo, targeted specifically at diet libc and small size.
dietlibc - Wikipedia › wiki › Dietlibcdietlibc is a C standard library released under the GNU General Public License Version 2, and proprietary licenses are also available. It was developed with the help of about 100 volunteers by Felix von Leitner with the goal to compile and link programs to the smallest possible size.