Ordinary Differential Equations in Cancer Biology | bioRxiv
www.biorxiv.org › content › 10Aug 23, 2016 · Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) provide a classical framework to model the dynamics of biological systems, given temporal experimental data. Qualitative analysis of the ODE model can lead to further biological insight and deeper understanding compared to traditional experiments alone. Simulation of the model under various perturbations can generate novel hypotheses and motivate the ...
Ordinary Differential Equations in Cancer Biology
www.biorxiv.org › content › 10cancer, as analysis of data sets composed of many treatments and cell types is often infeasible without computational tools. VI. C. ONCLUSIONS. Ordinary differential equation-based models are useful in cancer biology to study how biological systems change over time. Collecting data at several time points is essential for
Partial Differential Equations in Cancer Modelling
www.birs.ca › workshops › 2015cancer with a complicated and structured microenvironment of healthy tissue. Many of the spatial models in cancer modelling are based on partial differential equations (PDEs) that include spatial heterogeneity, orien-tational tissue structure, tissue stiffness and deformability. The analysis of these coupled non-linear PDEs is challenging.