Direct and Indirect Speech › Direct_and_Indirect_SpeechDirect speech Indirect speech "I might go to the cinema", he said. He said he might go to the cinema. You can use the present tense in reported speech if you want to say that something is still true i.e. my name has always been and will always be Lynne so:- Direct speech Indirect speech "My name is Lynne", she said. She said her name was Lynne.
Direct And Indirect Speech Rules - Byju's › wp-content › uploadsDirect to indirect speech example Direct: He said to me, „what are you wearing‟? Indirect: He asked me what I was wearing. Rule 5 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Changes in Modals While changing direct speech to indirect speech the modals used in the sentences changes like: 1. Can becomes Could 2. May becomes Might 3.
Direct Indirect Speech › direct-indirect-speech_pdfdirect-indirect-speech 1/2 Downloaded from on January 13, 2022 by guest [MOBI] Direct Indirect Speech This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this direct indirect speech by online. You might not require more grow old to spend to go to the book launch as without difficulty as search for them.