ocw.uv.es › english-language › unidades_9_12Reported speech may or may not need a change in verbal tenses when converted from direct speech: NO CHANGE: As previously mentioned, at times, the reporting verb (e.g. he says, he tells me, etc.) is in the present. In this case, pronouns will change in indirect speech, but the tenses in the reported clause stay the same.
Changes of Pronouns in Reported Speech - Books4Languages
https://open.books4languages.com › ...first person pronouns (I, me, us, we, mine, our) in reported speech change into third person pronouns (he, she, it, they, him, his, her, hers, them, their, ...
pronoun changes in reported speech pdf
www.themaddoginthefog.com › challenger-crewA change in tense 3. Reported speech change of pronouns. 1. This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and . Direct speech (exact quote) Indirect speech (not exact) "Next week's lesson is on reported speech", she said. pronoun change - tenses in direct and indirect speech - reporting verb with object - changing modal verbs .