Finite difference - Wikipedia finite difference is a mathematical expression of the form f (x + b) − f (x + a).If a finite difference is divided by b − a, one gets a difference quotient.The approximation of derivatives by finite differences plays a central role in finite difference methods for the numerical solution of differential equations, especially boundary value problems.
Discrete Calculus - › ~kauffman › DCalcRecall (or just nod along) that in normal calculus, we have the derivative and the integral, which satisfy some important properties, such as the fundamental theorem of calculus. Here, we create a similar system for discrete functions. 2 The Discrete Derivative We define the discrete derivative of a function f(n), denoted ∆ nf(n), to be f(n+ ...
Derivative Calculator • With Steps!
www.derivative-calculator.netThe Derivative Calculator supports computing first, second, …, fifth derivatives as well as differentiating functions with many variables (partial derivatives), implicit differentiation and calculating roots/zeros. You can also check your answers! Interactive graphs/plots help visualize and better understand the functions.
Discrete Calculus - (or just nod along) that in normal calculus, we have the derivative and the integral, which satisfy some important properties, such as the fundamental theorem of calculus. Here, we create a similar system for discrete functions. 2 The Discrete Derivative We define the discrete derivative of a function f(n), denoted ∆ nf(n), to be f(n+ ...
Discrete calculus - Wikipedia calculus or the calculus of discrete functions, is the mathematical study of incremental change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. The word calculus is a Latin word, meaning originally "small pebble"; as such pebbles were used for calculation, the meaning of the word has evolved and today usually means a method of computation. Meanwhile, calculus, originally called infinite…