Discrete Derivatives – Jeff Shaul
www.jeffshaul.com › math › discrete-derivativesMay 06, 2021 · Ignoring the temporal consistency problem for now, here’s a Python implementation that uses a frozen-in-time copy of a stack and an implicit step size of 1. import math def nth_derivative(n, series): result = 0 for i in range(0, n + 1): sign = (-1)**i coefficient = math.comb(n, i) entry = series.pop() result += sign * coefficient * entry return result
numpy.diff() in Python - GeeksforGeeks
www.geeksforgeeks.org › numpy-diff-in-pythonJul 22, 2021 · numpy.diff () in Python. numpy.diff (arr [, n [, axis]]) function is used when we calculate the n-th order discrete difference along the given axis. The first order difference is given by out [i] = arr [i+1] – arr [i] along the given axis. If we have to calculate higher differences, we are using diff recursively.