05.04.2019 · As you can see it complains first about memory - the only thing I can suggest, hopefully the ansys guys will have better ideas , is to use one processor only, so change the number shown below from 2 or 4 to 1, and specify the memory say to be 14 000 MB (boxes below indicated in yellow saying manually specify apdl solver memory settings).
Sparse Matrix Solver CP Time (sec) = 14468.280 Sparse Matrix Solver ELAPSED Time (sec) = 15982.407 Elapsed time close to CPU time (4.5 Hours) Good processor utilization, reasonable I/O performance File LN32 not used Factored Matrix file LN09 2.4 Billion D.P words, 18 Gbytes 59 Gbytes transferred Sparse Solver Memory Usage Example 1 (cont.)
04.07.2020 · by Distributed ANSYS. Distributed ANSYS is unable to recover and will terminate. Please send the data leading to this operation to your technical support provider, as this will allow ANSYS, Inc to improve the program.
18.06.2020 · - The distributed solution option was activated, I shall try again while disabled, correct? - The solution works fine with coarse mesh, I increased the number of elements to 1 million in order to get more accurate results.
24.11.2018 · Pivoting has been activated for the Distributed Sparse Matrix Solver . The memory required may greatly exceed the predicted amount. In that event, use the DSPOPTION command to change the memory mode and/or memory size used by the Distributed Sparse Matrix Solver. curEqn= 39619 totEqn= 52966 Job CP sec= 132.734