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dnsmasq hosts ipv6

Segmenting IPv6 networks using dnsmasq? - Server Fault
https://serverfault.com › questions
Hosts on the "external LAN" can DHCPv6 and get a 64 bit network address assigned to them and it works. I want to have the internal router - ...
使用 Dnsmasq 代替设置本机 Hosts 进行域名IP 映射 - 知乎
使用本机的 hosts 文件声明域名IP解析映射的规则,这里只能声明简单的映射规则,如果需要复杂的规则,需要在 dnsmasq.conf 文件中配置,不在本文说明的范围内。. 使用 vim 打开并编辑. vim /etc/hosts. 在文件末尾加上想要映射的域名 IP 关系. sqm.com. 配置 ...
How to stop ad servers bypassing dnsmasq hosts block with ...
02.09.2016 · I have many ad/track servers blocked in a large hosts file using dnsmasq on pfs 2.3.2. I'm starting to see them do an end run around my firewall by tricking the stack into returning IPv6 results: Sep 2 00:24:39 pfsense dnsmasq[29620]: query[A] d.neodatag...
dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example at master - GitHub
https://github.com › dnsmasq › blob
dnsmasq (via srv-host= lines) are not suppressed by it. #filterwin2k ... --address (and --server) work with IPv6 addresses too.
How do I configure dnsmasq to resolve local hostnames with ...
https://superuser.com › questions
In /etc/config/dhcp in the dnsmasq section add list addnhosts /tmp/hosts/ ... dnsmasq correctly responds with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Use dnsmasq instead of /etc/hosts • Steven Rombauts
10.01.2018 · Dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS forwarder that’s easy to install and configure. Update: In this post I’ll show you how to configure dnsmasq to set up and manage dnsmasq and your local domains easily. I wrote a separate blog post that explains how to manage dnsmasq without the need for administrative rights every time you make a change.
dnsmasq-base — Debian unstable
https://manpages.debian.org › dns...
dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server. ... To give both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a domain, use repeated --address flags.
dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example at master · imp/dnsmasq · GitHub
27.09.2021 · # want dnsmasq to really bind only the interfaces it is listening on, # uncomment this option. About the only time you may need this is when # running another nameserver on the same machine. #bind-interfaces # If you don't want dnsmasq to read /etc/hosts, uncomment the # following line. #no-hosts
dnsmasq - man pages section 8: System Administration ...
https://docs.oracle.com › html › dn...
dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server. ... To give both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a domain, use repeated -A flags.
Using dnsmasq for dhcpv6 - Tor Hveem
https://hveem.no › using-dnsmasq-...
Recently my ISP started offering native IPv6 using IPv6 Prefix Delegation and I want to offer IPv6 connectivity to my LAN clients using ...
RPi4 - IPv4 and IPv6 network with custom DNS
07.10.2019 · Dnsmasq configuration for DHCPv4 and stateful DHCPv6 In some situations, you want to run your DHCP server for IPv4 and IPv6 to get full control of your network. For IPv4, it’s straight forward but for IPv6, you have to know some differences. With IPv6, the clients don’t need a DHCP server to retrieve an IP address.
IPv6, dnsmasq and resolving hostnames | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › IPv6-d...
I have dnsmasq working the way I want it with IPv4: nslookup <host> -> works. nslookup <host>.<domain> works. but when I enable IPv6:.
Brief note on IPv6 flags and Dnsmasq modes – rakhesh.com
07.04.2018 · Dnsmasq uses the host’s IPv4 lease to derive the name, network segment and MAC address and assumes that the host will also have an IPv6 address calculated using the SLAAC algorithm, on the same network segment. The address is pinged, and if a reply is received, an AAAA record is added to the DNS for this IPv6 address.
RPi4 - IPv4 and IPv6 network with custom DNS - Gregoire Pailler
https://gpailler.github.io › 2019-10...
Dnsmasq configuration for IPv4 and IPv6 DNS only ... Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part) domain-needed # Never forward ...
[Dnsmasq-discuss] IPv6 host registration in DNS - Welcome to ...
https://lists.thekelleys.org.uk › dns...
But it does not seem to work for IPv6. I want the clients to do SLAAC > but still dnsmasq should serve AAAA records for local hosts if asked ...
netwerk - Setting up IPv6 using dhcpv6-pd/slaac with dnsmasq
The perk here is that dnsmasq can act as an authorative DNS-server and inject DNS-records for hosts on the local network. For clients that use DHCP to request IPv4 it will also be able to provide DNS lookups for their respective IPv6 addresses, since the …
dnsmasqを用いてhostsファイルからDNSサーバーを立てる【自 …
07.08.2018 · LAN内の自宅サーバーにドメイン名を用いてアクセスしたいとき、hostsファイルにドメイン名とIPアドレスの対応を記述するという方法が非常に簡単です。(前回の記事) しかし、これには欠点があります。 LAN内外を出入りする端末(ノートPCなど)はいちいちhostsを切り替えなければならない (Android…