12.08.2020 · “docker build” requires exactly 1 argument. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 4 months ago. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed 88 times 0 I know there are several posts like this but nothing has worked so far, I have a Dockerfile inside a folder and I have tried the following commands: docker build <full/path ...
Feb 10, 2021 · Gah. It was that last dot that was getting me. I tried all sorts of combinations of the full file or a path without the file, but I either got the file not found issue, or the dreaded docker build requires exactly 1 argument message. Not gonna lie, learning the tiniest new thing in docker is like pulling teeth, FFS.
“docker build” requires exactly 1 argument(s) Asked 5 Months ago Answers: 5 Viewed 1.3k times I am trying to build an image from a specific Dockerfile, and tag it at the same time; I am following the online instructions for docker build , but I get the following error:
03.03.2021 · 1 Answer. You need to provide the Dockerfile path as well in the command. If your Dockerfile is in the current location and the name is either dockerfile or Dockerfile, then you can provide . at the end of the command. sudo docker build -t test . If not, you need to provide the complete path instead of . with -f parameter.
If your docker build command or your GitHub Action ever spat out this error: "docker build" requires exactly 1 argument., this article shares the solution.
Making your first container Making a container is something easily done with the Docker software and the docker build command. This command uses a manifest ...
Jul 08, 2018 · "docker build" requires exactly 1 argument. See 'docker build --help'. Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - [flags] Build an image from a Dockerfile. you probably missed the trailing . at the end of docker build -t docker-php-image -f Dockerfile .;)
I was facing the same issue. I missed the little period ( . ) at the end of the command. I copy pasted the command from official docker docs. The period ( . )
You need to add a dot, which means to use the Dockerfile in the local directory. For example: docker build -t mytag . It means you use the Dockerfile in the local directory, and if you use docker 1.5 you can specify a Dockerfile elsewhere.
Nov 27, 2019 · Build docker image with custom Dockerfile name – docker build requires exactly 1 argument Docker uses the Dockerfile to build docker images, but what if you want to change the name and (or) the path of this file?