Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image
ripski.co › ubuntu-1804-docker-imageJan 06, 2022 · Oct 01, 2021 Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image Location. You may need to build your local registry’s data volume on a connectedhost where you can run docker pull to get any images which are availableremotely, and then migrate the registry’s data volume to the air-gappednetwork. Certain images, such as the official Microsoft Windows base images, are.
Run Docker Ubuntu Image - ripski.co
https://ripski.co/run-docker-ubuntu-image06.01.2022 · Docker Run Ubuntu 18.04 Image. In the above Dockerfile, Ubuntu is the base Docker Image pulled from the Docker registry. The useradd command along with the -u flag adds a user with the specified name and Id using the Docker RUN instruction. The USER instruction is used to specify which user to be logged in while running the Docker Container ...