I am able to connect to the docker container with docker exec -it <name> /bin/sh and then run the handler directly with python -c 'import app; print(app.handler({}, {}))'. The handler runs with no errors if I run it directly.
11.10.2020 · If you require Pillow, the easiest way to use it in your function is through a popular repository with a public layers (including pillow) such as keithrozario / Klayers on github. To use it, you would locate ARN of the layer based on your region.The list of the ARNs for python 3.8 is here.. For example, for us-east-1 the layer added for Python 3.7 would be:
15.01.2019 · Unable to import module 'app': No module named 'requests' END RequestId: c195948c-81dc-44de-a3d6-c9f6ddcca32c {"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'app'"} REPORT RequestId: c195948c-81dc-44de-a3d6-c9f6ddcca32c Duration: 15 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 27 MB
START RequestId: 9e64e2c7-d0c3-11e5-b34e-75c7fb49d058 Version: $LATEST **Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named lambda_function** END ...
Create lambda layer based on mylayer.zip in the AWS Console. Don’t forget to specify Compatible runtimes to python3.8.. Add two layers to your function: The first one is AWSLambda-Python38-SciPy1x provided by AWS with numpy, while the second one is the one we created above. So your function will use two layers. Test the layer in lambda using the following lambda function:
named my layer psycopg2_37 and selected python 3.7 runtime. went to the Functions screen and selected MyLambdaFunction. under layers, I added the psycopg2_37 layer. selected python.37 for my runtime. Saved and hit the Test button. I keep getting the same error:
16.07.2020 · Reading Time: 5 minutes In the beginning, the documentation for AWS LAMBDAS can be intimidating at times, but don't worry, in this post, I will help you with the first steps to create an AWS LAMBDA Function.
14.07.2019 · Let’s get this code running in Lambda! Head over to your AWS Console and create a new Lambda function. Be sure to select Python 3.7 as your runtime. At first, you might be tempted to copy and paste your Lambda function into the AWS Console. It’s simple enough and you just want to test out this function that you wrote.
Hello World, Unable to import module 'app': No module named 'app' hot 14 Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {pyodbc==4.0.27(sdist)} - aws-sam-cli hot 14 NodeJs custom module can't be required on Mac OS but working on windows hot 13