Inference Learner | fastai › tutorialJan 05, 2021 · Then we can predict with the usual method, here we can specify how many words we want the model to predict. learn . predict ( 'This is a simple test of' , n_words = 20 ) 'This is a simple test of the critique made out of the concerns on the consequences of it and the called Sub Cooper comparisons'
Learner, Metrics, and Basic Callbacks | fastai › learnerJan 29, 2022 · It needs to be one of fastai's if you want to use Learn.predict or Learn.get_preds, or you will have to implement special methods (see more details after the BaseLoss documentation). Training loop Now let's look at the main thing the Learner class implements: the training loop.
fastai applications - quick start | fastai · fastai's applications all use the same basic steps and code: Create appropriate DataLoaders. Create a Learner. Call a fit method. Make predictions or view results. In this quick start, we'll show these steps for a wide range of difference applications and datasets. As you'll see, the code in each case is extremely similar, despite the very ...
Welcome to fastai | fastai · About fastai fastai is a deep learning library which provides practitioners with high-level components that can quickly and easily provide state-of-the-art results in standard deep learning domains, and provides researchers with low-level components that can be mixed and matched to build new approaches.
Predictions callbacks | fastai · Predictions callbacks | fastai Predictions callbacks Various callbacks to customize get_preds behaviors MCDropoutCallback class MCDropoutCallback MCDropoutCallback Turns on dropout during inference, allowing you to call Learner.get_preds multiple times to approximate your model uncertainty using Monte Carlo Dropout. class MCDropoutCallback [source]
Computer vision | fastai the fastai library in computer vision. The predict method returns three things: the decoded prediction (here False for dog), the index of the predicted class and the tensor of probabilities of all classes in the order of their indexed labels(in this case, the model is quite confifent about the being that of a dog). This method accepts a filename, a PIL image or a tensor directly in this ...
Learner, Metrics, and Basic Callbacks - · It needs to be one of fastai's if you want to use Learn.predict or Learn.get_preds, or you will have to implement special methods (see more details after the BaseLoss documentation). Training loop Now let's look at the main thing the Learner class implements: the training loop. [source]