Fermat's Little Theorem -- from Wolfram MathWorld
mathworld.wolfram.com › FermatsLittleTheoremDec 17, 2021 · Fermat's little theorem shows that, if is prime, there does not exist a base with such that possesses a nonzero residue modulo . If such base exists, is therefore guaranteed to be composite. However, the lack of a nonzero residue in Fermat's little theorem does not guarantee that is prime. The property of unambiguously certifying composite numbers while passing some primes make Fermat's little theorem a compositeness test which is sometimes called the Fermat compositeness test.
Online calculator: Fermat primality test
planetcalc.com › 8983The calculator tests an input number by a primality test based on Fermat's little theorem. Using this calculator, you can find if an input number is Fermat pseudoprime. The calculator uses the Fermat primality test, based on Fermat's little theorem.
Online calculator: Fermat primality test
https://planetcalc.com/8983The calculator tests an input number by a primality test based on Fermat's little theorem. Using this calculator, you can find if an input number is Fermat pseudoprime. The calculator uses the Fermat primality test, based on Fermat's little theorem. If n is a prime number, and a is not divisible by n, then : .
Fermat’s Little Theorem Solutions
www.math.cmu.edu › ~cargue › armlSep 27, 2015 · By Fermat’s Little Theorem, 36 1 mod 7. Thus, 331 31 3 mod 7. 2. Find 235 mod 7. [Solution: 235 4 mod 7] By Fermat’s Little Theorem, 26 1 mod 7. Thus, 235 25 32 4 mod 7. 3. Find 128129 mod 17. [Solution: 128129 9 mod 17] By Fermat’s Little Theorem, 128 16 9 1 mod 17. Thus, 128129 91 9 mod 17. 4.