FactHacks: Fermat's factorization method
https://facthacks.cr.yp.to/fermat.htmlFermat's factorization method Fermat's factorization method factors N into p and q very quickly if p and q share half of their leading bits, i.e., if the gap between p and q is below the square root of p.It becomes much slower if p and q share significantly fewer bits.. One can save time in RSA decryption by choosing, e.g., p and q very close to 2^512. Fermat's factorization method shows …
Fermat's factorization method - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Fermat&Fermat 's factorization method, named after Pierre de Fermat, is based on the representation of an odd integer as the difference of two squares : That difference is algebraically factorable as ; if neither factor equals one, it is a proper factorization of N . Each odd number has such a representation. Indeed, if is a factorization of N, then
Fermat's method of factorisation
https://www.jstor.org/stable/24496908Fermat. It seems likely that Fermat had claimed that he could factorise numbers up to about 10", and that Mersenne then constructed the two primes in the letter and sent the product as a challenge to him. No one knows how Fermat managed to find the factors 'within a day'. Fermat disclosed partially his method of factorisation, which applies to
The Fermat factorization method revisited
eprint.iacr.org › 2009 › 318The Fermat factorization method is an iterative, or linear, search. For an integer N = pq, de Weger’s [4] has shown that the efficiency of the Fermat factorization method is governed by the ratio O(∆2 4n1/2) where ∆ = |p−q| is the prime difference. So, as it was pointed out by de Weger, if ∆ = O(N1/4) then the Fermat
The Fermat factorization method revisited
https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/318.pdfThe Fermat factorization method revisited Robert Erra∗ Christophe Grenier† 30th June 2009 Abstract We consider the well known Fermat factorization method, we call the Fermat factorization equation the equation solved by it: P(x,y) = (x + 2R)2 − y2 − 4N = 0; where N = pq > 0 is a RSA modulus with primes p and q supposed of equal length.