Gartner hype cycle - Wikipedia Gartner hype cycle is a graphical presentation developed, used and branded by the American research, advisory and information technology firm Gartner to represent the maturity, adoption, and social application of specific technologies. The hype cycle claims to provide a graphical and conceptual presentation of the maturity of emerging technologies through five phases. The model is not perfe…
GitHub - Connorrmcd6/Gartner-Hype-Cycle › Connorrmcd6 › Gartner-Hype-CycleGartner’s Hype Cycle is a popular maturity model to gauge the adoption of emerging technologies. Each year Gartner Inc. releases 90-100 of these hype cycles for relevant innovations. However, Gartner’s Hype Cycle has not been empirically validated. This repository contains the code used to investigate this problem in fulfillment of my ...
Understanding Gartner’s Hype Cycles › en › documentsAug 20, 2018 · The Hype Cycle is a graphical depiction of a common pattern that arises with each new technology or other innovation. Although many of Gartner’s Hype Cycles focus on specific technologies or innovations, the same pattern of hype and disillusionment applies to higher-level concepts such as IT methodologies and management disciplines.
Understanding Gartner’s Hype Cycles · The Hype Cycle is a graphical depiction of a common pattern that arises with each new technology or other innovation. Although many of Gartner’s Hype Cycles focus on specific technologies or innovations, the same pattern of hype and disillusionment applies to higher-level concepts such as IT methodologies and management disciplines.