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gentoo vs lfs

LFS vs Gentoo - LinuxQuestions.org
https://www.linuxquestions.org › lf...
Gentoo is a more true to form source based distribution, but LFS is a true source based distribution. Gentoo is best installed from the Live ...
Is the Gentoo system as customizable as an LFS? - Quora
Answer (1 of 5): Gentoo is probably the closest thing to LFS when it comes to customizing. With Gentoo, you can compile your own kernel, install the display manager and environment you want, boot loader you want, filesystem you want ect. You can use OpenRC ( oldie but goodie) or Systemd, Xorg or ...
19.03.2003 · 安装LFS和gentoo的兄弟们停手吧,来看看这个! 时间: 2003-03-19. 来源: 互联网. 刚刚安装了gentoo,还没有敢编译kde,就编译了一个标准版的xfce, 结果就在最后要配置声音的时候--声音都快配置好了,因为硬件问题. 当机了,于是呜乎哀哉,又因为那万恶的,该千刀杀的ext3文件 ...
LFS vs. Gentoo - LinuxQuestions.org
27.01.2004 · LFS vs. Gentoo. Okay, I know this sort of question gets asked of almost all the distro's out there, but I am curious about this comparison for the sake of 'really learning' Linux as opposed to simply getting it to run with minimal brian power.
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Gentoo vs LFS
03.03.2007 · I like Gentoo because it's a nice compromise between a raw LFS, and fixed distros like Debian, Fedora etc.. You do have to do a lot more hoop-jumping to do slightly odd things (Like compile php without the 9-million dependencies!), but the fact that you can do them, and still retain a sane package environment, is a big plus over full-package distros.
View topic - Gentoo vs LFS
https://forums.gentoo.org › viewto...
Gentoo is LFS. LFS is a book which guides you through installing all the needed packages for a GNU/Linux OS, so that you can compile, run and ...
Is the Gentoo system as customizable as an LFS? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › Is-the-Ge...
Gentoo is probably the closest thing to LFS when it comes to customizing. With Gentoo, you can compile your own kernel, install the display manager and ...
LFS vs Gentoo - LinuxQuestions.org
26.03.2014 · LFS vs Gentoo. Hey there, i ahve been using ubuntu for about half a year now, But i am not too happy with it. I would like to change, to sth where i know what is on my hd. ALso i would like to know what is under the hood of linux and find out more.
LFS or Gentoo : linuxquestions
LFS has no package manager, so you need to handle everything such as endless dependence, confusing compile errors. Gentoo has powerful portage, which makes everything easier. If you want to learn how linux works and be happy accept problems, use lfs. And if you just need a daily use system, use Gentoo.
Gentoo vs LFS: perception of users : DistroHopping
Gentoo vs LFS: perception of users. Close. 4. Posted by 2 days ago. Gentoo vs LFS: perception of users. Gentoo users are seen as folks who optimize at any cost. What’s the general/meme perception of LFS users? 2 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. Log In Sign Up.
Gentoo,从入门到入土 - 知乎
(题图来自维基百科) 这不是一篇安装gentoo的步骤记录,和教程更搭不上关系。从2020年4月28日至5月11日,十四天,刚巧是两周的时间,经历了近三十次的失败,我终于成功安装了带kde-plasma桌面的gentoo linux。这…
LFS or Gentoo : r/linuxquestions - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › comments
LFS is an exercise in following instructions and exploring the Linux ecosystem and isn't really meant to yield a daily driver. Gentoo contains ...
We all know that linux from scratch is the simplest linux distro ...
https://libredd.it › ...
you forgot Linux from scratch users that then install apt and flatpak and and rpm and bloat their system into oblivion ... More like Arch and Gentoo vs LFS.
Major Proposed Changes to Linux From Scratch | Hacker News
https://news.ycombinator.com › item
Gentoo makes you actually build those packages from source and gives you more control over how the process works. Then LFS takes away even what ...
For the best learning experience: LFS, Gentoo, Slackware ...
LFS > Gentoo > Slackware > Arch. Slack's installation is easier than Arch's, but the package manager makes you do a lot more. Edit: Many people are saying Gentoo should be after Slack. They have a point. Slackware's package management is much more minimal than Gentoo's. 35.
Gentoo vs LFS
https://gentoo-user.gentoo.narkive.com › ...
The idea of Gentoo or 'Linux From Scratch' intrigue me but am not really sure of the difference between the two other than Gentoo having a system
Why is Gentoo so great? - Linux
https://0x00sec.org › why-is-gento...
Gentoo is really a convenient way to do something like LFS. It's LFS made easy. And if you do the Gentoo install with allnoconfig (no ...
Should I try LinuxFromScratch or Gentoo?? [Archive] - Ubuntu ...
https://ubuntuforums.org › archive
From my experience with both I would say LFS is a bit more educational (yet a lot more time consuming and frustrating for the newcomer), however ...
Linux next step: arch, gentoo, lfs - TitanWolf
https://titanwolf.org › Article
Similar to lfs, gentoo is also highly customizable. Unlike lfs, gentoo is a real distro. This means that gentoo has its own configuration tool and package ...
14.09.2006 · 关于lfs和gentoo以及portage的关系。. 时间: 2006-09-14. 来源: 互联网. gentoo从stage3开始安装,其实就是一个tar的基本系统,然后把portage tar到/usr来进行扩展其他的软件 。. LFS目的是从host system建立一个干净的基本系统 。. 同时,看到了gentoo的文档里面介绍 …