The Go Programming Language - beyondkmp › Thethedesig n of Go. Go issom etimesdes crib edasa‘‘C-li kelangu age,’’ or as ‘‘Cfor the 21stcentury.’’ Fr omC,Go in her ite d itsexpressionsyntax, cont rol-flow statements, basic dat a types, cal l-by-value param-eter passing, point ers,and above all,C’semp hasisonprogramsthatcompi letoefficient
Go Resources
https://www.golang-book.comGo Concurrency from the Ground Up. Learn about Go's concurrency features by implementing them in another programming language. Bootcamp. A 4-week instructional series that covers the material in An Introduction to Programming in Go as well as the basics of server-side web development and Google App Engine.
The Go Programming Language › ~msagiv › courses•The Go compiler pulls transitive dependency type info from the object file but only what it needs. •If A.go depends on B.go depends on C.go –compile C.go, B.go, then A.go –to compile A.go, compiler reads B.o not C.o •At scale, this can be a huge speedup
The Go Programming Language › ch1Go isanopen-s our ce pro j ec t ,sos ou rc ec od ef or itscompi l er ,lib rar ies, an dt oo ls is fre e ly avai l-ab le toany o ne .Con tr i bu ti on s to the pro j ec t co me fro m an active worldw i de community.Go runs onUnix-li k esys te ms —Li nu x, Fre e BS D, OpenBSD, Mac OS X—andonPlan9and Micros o ft Windows.
The Go Programming Language -
https://gopl.io26.10.2015 · The Go Programming Language Alan A. A. Donovan · Brian W. Kernighan Published Oct 26, 2015 in paperback and Nov 20 in e-book Addison-Wesley; 380pp; ISBN: 978-0134190440 authors @ Contents [ PDF ]