Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses › g › public-dns-announceJun 09, 2011 · with IPv6 support can use Google Public DNS over IPv6 by changing the. system DNS server settings to use one or both of the following Google. Public DNS IPv6 addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888. 2001:4860:4860::8844. --. Mario "miope" Bonilla - Traffic Team - SRE. Google Ireland Ltd. Registered in Dublin, Ireland. Registration Number: 368047.
Google Public DNS - Wikipedia December 2009, Google Public DNS was launched with its announcement on the Official Google Blog by product manager Prem Ramaswami, with an additional post on the Google Code blog. In January 2019, Google Public DNS adopted the DNS over TLS protocol. At the launch of Google Public DNS, it did not directly support DNSSEC. Although RRSIG records …
What is Google DNS and How can I use it? › google-dnsIn order to add Google DNS you will have to gain administrative (system administration full privileges) access to your computer, this is often the 'administrator' mode on Windows operating systems, and root on Unix and Linux like systems. This is what you need: Google Public DNS IPv4 addresses: Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses:
Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers › speed › public-dnsJun 25, 2020 · You can configure Google Public DNS addresses for either IPv4 or IPv6 connections, or both. For IPv6-only networks with a NAT64 gateway using the 64:ff9b::/96 prefix, you can use Google Public DNS64 instead of Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses, providing connectivity to IPv4-only services without any other configuration. Change your DNS servers ...