Authentication | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaGrafana provides many ways to authenticate users. Some authentication integrations also enable syncing user permissions and org memberships. Here is a table showing all supported authentication providers and the features available for them. Team sync and active sync are only available in Grafana Enterprise. See also, Grafana Authentication.
Configuration | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaGrafana provides many ways to authenticate users. Refer to the Grafana Authentication overview and other authentication documentation for detailed instructions on how to set up and configure authentication. login_cookie_name. The cookie name for storing the auth token. Default is grafana_session. login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration
OAuth authentication | Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaYou can enable PKCE in Grafana by setting use_pkce to true in the [auth.generic_oauth] section. use_pkce = true Grafana always uses the SHA256 based S256 challenge method and a 128 bytes (base64url encoded) code verifier. Set up OAuth2 with Auth0. Create a new Client in Auth0. Name: Grafana; Type: Regular Web Application; Go to the Settings tab and set:
Authentication | Grafana Labs rader · Grafana provides many ways to authenticate users. Some authentication integrations also enable syncing user permissions and org memberships. Here is a table showing all supported authentication providers and the features available for them. Team sync and active sync are only available in Grafana Enterprise. See also, Grafana Authentication.
Auth Proxy Authentication - Grafana Labs › docs › grafanaThese rules include requiring basic authentication where user:password credentials are stored in the /etc/apache2/grafana_htpasswd file. This file can be created with the htpasswd command. The next part of the configuration is the tricky part. We use Apache’s rewrite engine to create our X-WEBAUTH-USER header, populated with the authenticated user.