Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet - regjeringen.no
www.regjeringen.no › no › depSykehusene tilbyr befolkningen spesialisert behandling. I tillegg har sykehusene oppgaver innen forskning, utdanning og opplæring av pasienter og pårørende. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet har et overordnet ansvar for alle sykehus i Norge, og staten eier de offentlige sykehusene. Sykehusene er organisert i fire regionale helseforetak.
Norwegian Directorate of Health - regjeringen.no
www.regjeringen.no › en › depThe Directorate of Health is a specialist body both in the area of public health and living conditions and in the area of health services. This entails: Being responsible for monitoring the conditions that affect public health and living conditions and monitoring the trends in the health and care services. On this basis, the directorate shall ...
Ministry of Health and Care Services - regjeringen.no
www.regjeringen.no › en › depDec 22, 2020 · Ingvild Kjerkol (Lab.) The Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) is responsible for providing good and equal health and care services for the population of Norway. The ministry directs these services by means of a comprehensive legislation, annual budgetary allocations and through various governmental institutions.