Correlation Coefficient (ρ) Calculator › statistics › correlationρXY = 1 5 × 425 2.4495 × 35.8329 ρ X Y = 1 5 × 425 2.4495 × 35.8329. = 1 5 × 425 87.7724 = 1 5 × 425 87.7724. = 425 438.8622 = 425 438.8622. ρXY = 0.9684 ρ X Y = 0.9684. Correlation Coefficient calculator measures the degree of dependence or linear correlation between two random samples X X and Y Y or two sets of population data. It's an online statistics and probability tool requires two random samples X X and Y Y or two sets of population data.
How to Calculate the Coefficient of Correlation › how-to-calculate-theJan 28, 2020 · Calculate s x the sample standard deviation of all of the first coordinates of the data x i. Calculate s y the sample standard deviation of all of the second coordinates of the data y i. Use the formula (z x) i = (x i – x̄) / s x and calculate a standardized value for each x i. Use the formula (z y) i = (y i – ȳ) / s y and calculate a standardized value for each y i.