<small> HTML Tag
https://html.com/tags/smallThe <small> element makes text one size smaller than the default text size on the page. It’s offered as an alternative to CSS styling. <small> is a rare example of a HTML element that can be nested. In other words, you can use it several times to step down the font size, as in our example. Increasing Text Size
<small> HTML Tag
html.com › tags › smallThe <small> element makes text one size smaller than the default text size on the page. It’s offered as an alternative to CSS styling. <small> is a rare example of a HTML element that can be nested. In other words, you can use it several times to step down the font size, as in our example.
HTML small Tag - javatpoint
www.javatpoint.com › html-small-tagHTML <small> tag. HTML <small> tag makes text font by one size smaller than the document?s base font size (Such as large to medium, medium to small, etc.) In HTML5, <small> tag is used for identifying secondary importance such as copyright, side comments, and legal notices.