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ibus vs fcitx

Linux input method framework brief summary - GNOME Blogs
https://blogs.gnome.org › happyaron
1. SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) · 2. IBus (Intelligent Input Bus) · 3. Fcitx (Free Chinese Input Toy for X).
Ubuntu 17.10 その6 - IBusか、それともFcitxか - kledgeb
kledgeb.blogspot.com › 2017 › 05
FcitxのWayland対応がいつ完了するのか分かりませんし、「gnome-control-center」のFcitx対応もどうなるか分かりませんが、もしいずれの対応も「Ubuntu 17.10」に間に合わないのであれば、IBusに戻すのが一番混乱を回避できるのかな、という印象です。
Cài đặt Fcitx-Unikey để gõ tiếng Việt trên Ubuntu - Site của tui
www.sitecuatui.com › fcitx-unikey
Fcitx-Unikey và IBus-Unikey là hai bộ gõ tiếng Việt trên Ubuntu, Linux Mint. Bạn có thể cài đặt Fcitx-Unikey chỉ với vài dòng lệnh. Có các ưu và nhược điểm giữa hai bộ gõ Fcitx-Unikey và IBus-Unikey , bạn nên thử cả hai để chọn một bộ gõ tiếng Việt phù hợp.
Linux 下的输入法 fcitx vs ibus - 码农教程
21.08.2019 · Linux 下的输入法 fcitx vs ibus. 无论在那个系统下,输入法几乎是必备的软件,在 Linux 下有两大主要的输入法支持框架 fcitx 和 IBus,当然有些还有 XIM ,scim 等等。. Linux 下本来没有多少用起来非常舒服的中文输入法,有出名很久的 rime, 也有搜狗开发的输入法,不过 ...
Linux系统中文输入法fcitx与ibus哪个好,哪个更先进? - 知乎
www.zhihu.com › question › 286602824
综上所述,个人感觉ibus和fcitx都挺好的。. 我用rime的时候感觉他们俩表现差不多。. 因此,你的发行版哪个好安就用哪个吧。. 补充一点,fcitx的优点在于用惯了搜狗拼音的用户可以继续用,说实话搜狗确实挺好用的。. 不过我不再用搜狗拼音了,或许是不想用 ...
iBus VS fcitx - compare differences & reviews? - SaaSHub
https://www.saashub.com › compar...
When comparing iBus and fcitx, you can also consider the following products. UIM - Uim is a multilingual input method library, whose goal is to be a ...
ibus vs fcitx - compare differences and reviews? | LibHunt
https://www.libhunt.com › compar...
ibus VS fcitx. Compare ibus vs fcitx and see what are their differences. ibus logo. ibus. Intelligent Input Bus for Linux/Unix (by ibus).
Integrate IBUS or Fcitx seamlessly to KDE • KDE Community ...
05.07.2015 · Integrate IBUS or Fcitx seamlessly to KDE. Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:25 am. When compared to GNOME and its derivatives, the integration of input method frameworks is severely lacking in KDE. While IBUS is seamlessly integrated and readily available in GNOME, Unity and Cinnamon, it takes several hoops in KDE 4.x series across different settings to get ...
[RANT?]Some issues that make Linux based operating ...
https://www.reddit.com › comments
Most Linux distributions I've encountered make this difficult or impossible to do. ... Gnome uses IBus and KDE fcitx for my machines, ...
Integrate IBUS or Fcitx seamlessly to KDE • KDE Community Forums
forum.kde.org › viewtopic
Jul 21, 2014 · Uninstall Fcitx, install iBus and reconfigure was the only option. config files seemed fine but switching to iBus was the fastest solution in that case. Fcitx from the above mentioned system seemed to work flawlessly in a non-CJK environment but not when I tried to use it in a CJK environment, which seems to be one of the problems.
Ubuntu 18 Chinese Setup: IBus or fcitx input methods - Pinyin ...
http://www.pinyinjoe.com › linux
Quickstart guide to setting up Chinese language features in the English Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 Linux OS.
Understanding & setting up different input methods - Unix ...
https://unix.stackexchange.com › u...
So it is perfectly fine to uninstall all of ibus, uim, fcitx or whatever input method you have if you don't need to type languages such as ...
fcitx vs ibus - compare differences and reviews? | LibHunt
fcitx VS ibus Compare fcitx vs ibus and see what are their differences. fcitx. A Flexible Input Method Framework (by fcitx) Suggest topics. Source Code. fcitx-im.org. ibus. Intelligent Input Bus for Linux/Unix (by ibus) Suggest topics. Source Code. github.com. Our great sponsors.
What are the differences between the different input methods?
https://askubuntu.com › questions
I know there are other IMs like SCIM or uim but I couldn't find any comparisons. I read that SCIM was replaced by iBus because it was buggy and ...
Fcitx - ArchWiki
https://wiki.archlinux.org › title › f...
If fcitx failed to start with your desktop automatically or if you want to change ... which provides a similar user experience as ibus-gjs.
Integrate IBUS or Fcitx seamlessly to KDE
https://forum.kde.org › viewtopic
Integrate IBUS or Fcitx seamlessly to KDE ... When compared to GNOME and its derivatives, the integration of input method frameworks is severely ...
Linux系统中文输入法fcitx与ibus哪个好,哪个更先进? - 知乎
好在当时ibus-rime的bug已经修复好了。 现在,由于嫌弃gentoo的gdm占用两个tty,以及gdm加载慢,还有gnome加载慢,又换回kde了。由于用习惯ibus了,所以还是继续用ibus。 综上所述,个人感觉ibus和fcitx都挺好的。我用rime的时候 …
IBUS versus XIM(fcitx)
02.05.2013 · 2. it provides more efficient and intelligent input experience than ibus. 3. it provides skin options and more convenient configuration tool. 4. it provides good support to cloud-pinyin. 5. Compatibility between Fcitx and Unity is improving gradually.
Ubuntu 18 Chinese Setup: IBus or fcitx input methods ...
www.pinyinjoe.com › linux › ubuntu-18-gnome-chinese
If IBus just doesn't take you where you need to go, consider fcitx. Fcitx has been the standard in China for Ubuntu Kylin for quite some time now, and if you'd like to install it see this article posted by a member of the fcitx team when this problem presented itself in 17.10:
linux各桌面环境下中文输入,fcitx和ibus哪个好用? - 知乎
31.08.2018 · 本人用gnome,但是fcitx有莫名其妙的问题,ibus还好,但是五笔又不好用,在kde下,ibus难看,fcitx又用不…
UOS, Deepin After installing IBUS or FCITX, individual ...
https://www.programmerall.com › ...
UOS, Deepin After installing IBUS or FCITX, individual applications cannot be entered in Chinese., Programmer All, we have been working hard to make a ...